When a disillusioned New Yorker's father dies, he goes home to Cape Cod and prepares the house for sale while sharing it with his father's temperamental live-in boyfriend. Grieving, they circle each other, butt heads, and negotiate how to remember the man they both loved, and the significance of what he left behind.
AlanX 2021-06-28
#Outshine 一面是晚年的**男友,一面是许久不见的儿子,Ken的离去让他们被迫相见并在矛盾中学会体谅彼此。对于Ted而言,7年的**时光留下的回忆很深刻,如今眼前的一切都将分崩离析,未尝不是太过残忍;对于Martin而言,从认为父亲的一切都该由自己继承,到认识到Ted与自己父亲之于彼此的情感与生活意义,家也许很陌生,但却并不缺乏温情。两个人各自有着一份对Ken的爱,其实这份爱可以和彼此共享,因为他们都是Ken挂念的人。