Netflix 2X speed non-finish. ***** jokes, anti-feminism, body shame, vegan joke, age shame, toxic masculinity jokes, I'm not offended by jokes sort of this but I'm offended by no fun. King of bored to death definitely the worst stand up at 2022 Netflix不要隨便一隻路邊曱甴special行不行🙄🙄🙄
Су Хэцин 2022-09-06
几个地狱段子还挺能乐的 但是挺碎的 没什么连接
urillusion596 2022-04-28
熊熊很失控 2022-03-31
虽说不喜欢断续式的段子风格 但相比Jimmy Carr真的好笑很多 节奏很慢 如果能稍微微微点延续一下段子就完美了
別有用心*** 2023-01-10
Netflix 2X speed non-finish. ***** jokes, anti-feminism, body shame, vegan joke, age shame, toxic masculinity jokes, I'm not offended by jokes sort of this but I'm offended by no fun. King of bored to death definitely the worst stand up at 2022 Netflix不要隨便一隻路邊曱甴special行不行🙄🙄🙄
punk siren 2024-04-28
总体2颗星 后半段可能可以3颗星 即使烂俗的笑点 我觉得都是不合格的 更不要提升华主题了