入围2022柏林电影节「德国视点」(Perspektive Deutsches Kino) 单元。 A weekend on the Baltic Sea with her new boyfriend Lars becomes déjà-vu for Zoé, throwing her back into another time, to a weekend which she already spent in this place - with another man whom she loved very much.
blood orange 2022-02-27
#72ndBerlinale_Perspektive Deutsches Kino ++
胤祥 2022-03-11
#FSP# 72nd Berlinale-Perspektive Deutsches Kino。DFFB出品(放在德国视点有点可惜啊这个单元关注太低了吧)。对亲密关系的探讨,影像上很有特点(旋景虚化,用了个啥特殊透镜么),剪辑也挺漂亮。
Ristange 2022-02-16
@Berlinale 清新的短片 镜头语言很细腻