《潜水的人》又名Man of Pa-Aling。
Manong ng Pa-Aling, which translates directly as Man of Pa-Aling, is the incredible story of man’s natural relationship with the ocean. Faced with his advancing age and physical frailty, Manong decides what to do after retiring from the only profession he’s ever known: being a fisherman.
胤祥 2022-02-21
#4th Locarno Shorts Weeks Online 2022# 2020洛迦诺(特别版:For the Future of Films)Open Doors Screenings。前获2017Cinemalaya短片最佳导演奖。水下摄影挺厉害的!顺手学习了一下菲律宾Pa-aling潜水的有关知识……
阿飞 2022-03-01
#LFF Shorts#或许是另一个Undine的故事。
Parity 2022-02-24
#LocarnoShortsWeeks4th 3- 这是个神话故事吗……
狗牙 2022-02-19
Pincent 2022-02-20
65/100 #LocarnoShortsWeeks2022#
真露白葡萄酒 2022-02-21