Marking 40 years since Britain’s first female prime minister rocketed to power in 1979, the *** presents the defining story of Margaret Thatcher and of the era when she dominated the political and social landscape. How did the small town girl from Grantham, a woman who said she would not see a female Prime Minister in her own lifetime, rip us out of the post-war consensus, and ...
好养活 2022-04-25
看完***最近两集的Thatcher & Reagan: A Very Special Relationship后(似乎豆瓣还没条目,但已经无爱帮忙添砖加瓦了)被算法推荐了这个。继续感叹 “原来还有不少人活着……” 最后一集竟然看到了肥彭(重点错
Nowaysis 2022-02-19
用一个词形容*****:私有化。多少人觉得she killed the country,多少人因为她**海外,数字恐怕只有因脱欧**的人数能比得过。本片采访了仍然健在的***的朝臣、政敌,揭示了很多幕后故事。虽然彭定康出来说话了,但丝毫没有提到香港回归,重点当然是马岛战争,还有欧洲。也展示了***人性化的一面:只要你去接近她,会发现她是非常易于接近的,但没有几个人敢去接近她。
BYL 2019-07-27
zeppelin 2021-08-23
五集把她的每一个阶段都讲得很详细 请了大量的前朝官员做采访
王大丽 2020-03-26
英国本世纪式微的仅有的**影响力,绝对要pay tribute to The Bloody Woman的政治遗产。有功有过,但TBW绝对不虚她“铁娘子”的称号。
小大裂 2023-03-22
The best quality of her: she doesn’t want to be loved
**内功的那那 2022-04-20
Minions 2020-12-18
A good leader应该在people还在为你鼓掌的时候离开 充满争议的人物 但是还是非常有魅力
C.L. 2022-07-09
clearly这种片子的采访剪辑都是先有总基调的 这些曾经的关键党羽依旧各执一词 又给我们演了一场戏 一方面大家都有自己相信的真相 另一方面游戏规则也决定了没人该说真话 你们就玩儿吧(前几天***又放出这个片子来 真是抓准时机
刘果 2019-07-13
“a fine mind”! very tough, very ambitious and very determined, very good at attacking, ***** to know about the life of such an important figure in politics full of chaos and turbulence in the early 1980s, need to catch up with world history...