《星期六的人们》又名People on Saturday。
A sunny Saturday afternoon in Zurich. In the middle of a crowded square a businessman is lying on a bench, seemingly asleep. Someplace else, a teenager is longing for appreciation. A commuter is fighting the ticket machine. The film shows ten tableaux of everyday situations in the ****. The people in them are confronted with small or big problems. Each one of them is a Sisyphos...
淼针 2022-02-01
4thLFF短片周;People on Saturday,苏黎世周六人们的生活图景展示,(十幅画面),或多或少的遇到问题(玻璃反射车祸,聋哑人听不到还挺有意思);玩概念,看简介说是每个人都是西西弗斯,但确实没看出这层哈…
Parity 2022-02-08
#LocarnoShortsWeeks4th 4 捕捉周六的微妙负面情绪
胤祥 2022-02-01
#4th Locarno Shorts Weeks Online 2022# 2020洛迦诺(特别版:For the Future of Films)明日之豹单元瑞士竞赛最佳瑞士短片金豹奖+欧洲电影奖资格。观察电影,十个日常生活场景的“西西弗斯”——至少有三个明显是罗伊安德森路子(当然摄影机用法不太一样,以及首尾呼应了……),其实我觉得全搞成罗伊安德森也没啥……
Pincent 2022-02-03
65/100 #LocarnoShortsWeeks2022#