Made between three locations, If From Every Tongue it Drips is assembled through a call and response exchange of sound, text and image. Interested in the framework of voice, vibration, time, sound and language that quantum physics explores, director Sharlene Bamboat’s film emerges from an exchange of theoretical entanglements but is practiced and rendered through bodily ones. I...
胤祥 2022-02-28
#72nd Berlinale# EFM online-VOD, Forum Expanded。虽说讨论的事儿不是那么有意思,但是手法真挺有趣的:用字幕标出了几乎所有的对白和音效(使用了不同的颜色和位置,甚至有叠加和模糊),从而来实现声音的“可视化”(非英语字幕写法也有意思),也是第一次见到这么玩的(尤其是这种对音效和人声的描述字幕[甚至还有“silence”,以及剪辑点!])。展签里的关键词“sonic landscape”和“polyvocality”实现得真挺到**。整体上说其实也是个散文电影(还自反到了拍摄手法),不过心思可能都用在声音上了,大量在组织文本时插入不属于画面空间的声音(来自另一个时空的“干涉”)以及匹配的描述性字幕。