Over the past twenty years, thousands of young people were recruited in North Macedonia to work in the kitchens and laundries of the US military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq. Their wages were then invested by their families back home in the construction of small palaces and lucrative real estate. With the withdrawal of the last troops from Afghanistan in 2021, many of them ret...
第72届柏林国际电影节:主竞赛单元 最佳短片(提名)。
Lycidas 2022-02-16
3.5 题材很有爆点,本可以配合更具impact的视听和archives去增强纵深感,全靠口述和侧面素材实在是差了点。
wen 2022-02-19
[Berlinale Shorts] 所有人都得了病
胤祥 2022-02-16
#72nd Berlinale# EFM online-短片竞赛。其实就是个拍给美军打工的马其顿人(1.2-1.4w,阿富汗/***)挣钱养家(家人**修豪宅)报喜不报忧的项目,片名叫这个纯属蹭**热点……当然修房子这条线索是很有趣的。
blood orange 2022-02-16
#72nd_BerlinaleShorts 议题制胜
秦婉 2022-02-17