《避孕药产业》又名Sweetening the Pill。
There can be no real gender justice without an unpacking of the power structures surrounding the reproductive health industry complex—and of the choices that the ****** pushes on women. Abby Epstein’s latest documentary highlights the dark history of eugenics and underfunded research that the birth control pill, often heralded as a feminist turning point in the history of repro...
Marysonfly 2023-06-10
很一般 从科普到社会该讲清楚的讲不太清 观点也有点套路/模式化 其实也会期待更多关于why women become **** susceptible to the marketing of the pill industry的讨论而非只列举伤害或是只停留在怪罪FDA的不作为,但至少完成了纪录片对受难者和家人经历记录的宝贵使命吧
咸菜帮老大 2022-04-03
看完会对医疗行业、药企和保险公司合谋的medical misogyny有全新认知。
呆萌喵星人 2022-05-24
#MarcheduFilmOnline22 启迪性还挺强的,但不知为何观感更像是网飞出品的纪录片。对于很多观点的阐述虽然做的很多但对于大众来说解释性不够。