{★★★} Aesthetically, it's consistent and inconsistent at the same time. Scheduling everything happening during the pandemic into a two-hour movie is impossible, so the short videos directly plucked from the social ***** at that time signal the inconsistency in themselves. However, the form of faux-documentary also accepts and reconciles with the inconsistency on a deeper narrative level, packing everything good or bad, polished or raw, political or personal into the title box: An Unfinished Film.
百年不孤独 2024-08-23
借字条讲Lou Ye从火红萨日朗开始爆哭。为了一哪些weibo视*拍了部电影。
岫 2024-11-01
代標chronique chinoises 。1/11/2024, L'Arlequin, Paris
红酒与** 2024-05-27
(不好意思借本条目补标一下Lou Ye新片…) 必然是面向特定群体的作品,这种共有情绪只属于大陆观众,西方世界的观众是无法感同身受的。严格地说伪纪录的拍法是完全不成立的,很显然Lou Ye对此根本没有概念,因为视点问题从始至终都在被无视。取巧之处在于引入了“实况”与“搬演”的影像以求得“真实的虚构”。于我们而言只是为了一瞥这夹缝中的真实。本片作为一种抗辩当然还不够有力,但在疫情题材之外,剧组成员之间的深厚情谊作为纽带跨越着时间和**,我愿意相信《春风沉醉的夜晚》这部Lou Ye最好的作品被重新提及的真正动机,是联结,是承诺,也是初心。
四小小夕 2024-08-18
MIFF2024。借词条标娄烨的电影。单纯电影本身来说我觉得非常一般 但从讽刺的角度 这个效果拉满。开头秦昊说“拍了电影又播不了 有什么意义” 我想大概意义就在记录然后提醒
Mr. Lei 2021-10-22
【2021 KFF】面对自我、面对创作的追问与思索
blue 2024-05-21
のり子 2021-10-26
Aesthetic Mass 2024-10-25
{★★★} Aesthetically, it's consistent and inconsistent at the same time. Scheduling everything happening during the pandemic into a two-hour movie is impossible, so the short videos directly plucked from the social ***** at that time signal the inconsistency in themselves. However, the form of faux-documentary also accepts and reconciles with the inconsistency on a deeper narrative level, packing everything good or bad, polished or raw, political or personal into the title box: An Unfinished Film.
百年不孤独 2024-08-23
借字条讲Lou Ye从火红萨日朗开始爆哭。为了一哪些weibo视*拍了部电影。
岫 2024-11-01
代標chronique chinoises 。1/11/2024, L'Arlequin, Paris
水原吸管 2024-11-10
#金馬61觀眾票選 代標記,票投給了它,但其實最佳導演的獎項意義更重大——「把這些日子發生的事記錄下來,之後再看會覺得很有意思」。西方人不太能感同身受的共同創傷,片尾曲李老師的《黃昏》,精神致敬。
🦉 2024-08-18
#MIFF 电影乏善可陈,但我对那件事却无法麻木,无论过多久