《夜之声》又名Sound of the Night。
Vibol and his brother Kea sell noodles on a motorized cart every night on the streets of Phnom Penh. They often face troublesome threats from gangsters and thieves, even if these very people are their only customers. As the **** is growing around them, they consider their unstable income and imagine a different future.
胤祥 2021-08-28
#74th Locarno Online# Pardi di domani: Concorso internazionale。潘礼德监制。全世界的青年在街头讨生活的样子都差不多。拍得不错继续发展长片吧。
阿飞 2023-02-23
#LocarnoShortsWeeks2023#Locarno74 2.5/5
blood orange 2021-08-15
#Locarno2021 去过一次柬埔寨很亲切、真实
Pincent 2021-08-22
55/100 #Locarno2021# **诺搁这儿选的啥片呢
狗牙 2021-09-04
2021洛迦诺短片,Lights On发行签约;是看过为数不多的柬埔寨电影之一。导演很好地捕捉到了当地的氛围和质感,平地而起的高楼+灯红酒绿的歌厅+破败不堪的住所形成了强烈的**对比。