“During ** cleaning duties, I examined the belongings of each guest of the hotel and observed, through the details, lives that will remain unknown”, says the temporary chambermaid in a large seaside hotel. Hotel Royal is a fragmented and incomplete mosaic of contemporary society. It could be defined as a film about the horrors of the soul, of voyeurs or simply misfits.
胤祥 2021-08-30
#74th Locarno Online# Pardi di domani: Concorso Corti d'autore。全片声画叠用,音轨上是朗读的剧本(感觉挺像杜拉斯的,尤其《卡车》),旁白还有很明确的第一人称“我”(“临时扮演女清洁工”);**上则是酒店客房(画面边缘有很明显的拉伸变形)、走廊等。通过对物件的陈述来推测描述客人及关系。当然这种“不在”又在片尾字幕很明确地指向因为疫情而关闭的酒店。概念挺好的就是有点太长了……