Tim is having a vacation with his parents on an island, where they learn about the myth of a reincarnated deer that exists somewhere along the beach. Island locals believe that seeing the deer is a sign of meeting one’s soulmate. Tim hopes to discover the deer, hiding his desire from his devout Christian parents.
胤祥 2021-08-05
#74th Locarno Online# Open Doors shorts-青年评审团特别提及。留德印尼导演学生作品。情感真挚。
阿飞 2023-02-17
#LocarnoShortsWeeks2023#Locarno74 3.5/5
法外之徒 2021-08-07
#Locarno# 影像和声音都精致到看不出是学生作 洛迦诺短片展映真就三部同性片质量最高
拿铁** 2022-10-27
#Queer East;喜欢梦里见鹿的概念,喜欢close-up的摄影,作为一个轻盈的短片很舒*;body as a playground
LatestNews 2021-08-04
把一個「理應」悲傷的故事講得克制 喜歡 畫面和音樂也很有氛圍感
又又 2021-08-05
Peprika 2021-08-04
JC 2021-08-10
他的眼镜回到家 2021-08-12
晚上的几分钟喜欢。自然光。这个海边浪不小。 @2021-08-12 14:35:39 @2022-06-03 23:17:04 @2021-08-12 14:35:39 @2022-06-03 23:17:04
我先矛盾 2022-06-03
晚上的几分钟喜欢。自然光。这个海边浪不小。 @2021-08-12 14:35:39 @2022-06-03 23:17:04 @2021-08-12 14:35:39 @2022-06-03 23:17:04 @2021-08-12 14:35:39