A decent Fourth of July viewing. Reminded me why I used to care about that country so much. I do hope we will see the America 2.0 soon, given that we still got all these creative people that care about the US of A ;) “Do not ignore the pain. Give it purpose. Use it”
hhy 2021-07-05
天啊 软文化输出真的做得太好了吧
椒盐豆豉 2021-07-05
这个 Netflix 国庆献礼(?)MV 系列太有趣了,风格迥异的画风和曲风(从 pop 到 hip-hop 到 folk,甚至还有诗朗诵)的一集一首歌科普美国的宪法、三权分治、税收、**等,关键是歌还都挺好听的。阵容强大,制片是***夫妇。第四集有惊喜
🏳️🌈⃤ 2021-11-26
动画做得很好 可能是我期待太高 其实基本上都在behance上看过了。。。
51 Minus 1 2021-07-14
不得不*美式红歌 瞧瞧人家这意识形态宣传
雲汐 2023-01-19
豆友186794102 2021-08-14
Active citizenship, the bill of rights, taxes, the three branches of government, the first amendment, federal vs state power, immigration, the courts
Mazo 2022-09-07
We the people of the united states 每次一读到这句话就会起鸡皮疙瘩 但是画风有点政治正确的**体了… 四个星星全都给的是这个标题
Jus 2021-07-14
不愧是喜欢Hamilton的*****夫妇来做这个片子 实在太爽了!我的democracy和音乐魂在看这些小mv时熊熊燃烧🥳 动画做得好棒 歌也太catchy了!
starry 2021-07-06
A decent Fourth of July viewing. Reminded me why I used to care about that country so much. I do hope we will see the America 2.0 soon, given that we still got all these creative people that care about the US of A ;) “Do not ignore the pain. Give it purpose. Use it”
hhy 2021-07-05
天啊 软文化输出真的做得太好了吧
椒盐豆豉 2021-07-05
这个 Netflix 国庆献礼(?)MV 系列太有趣了,风格迥异的画风和曲风(从 pop 到 hip-hop 到 folk,甚至还有诗朗诵)的一集一首歌科普美国的宪法、三权分治、税收、**等,关键是歌还都挺好听的。阵容强大,制片是***夫妇。第四集有惊喜
🏳️🌈⃤ 2021-11-26
动画做得很好 可能是我期待太高 其实基本上都在behance上看过了。。。
51 Minus 1 2021-07-14
不得不*美式红歌 瞧瞧人家这意识形态宣传
雲汐 2023-01-19
豆友186794102 2021-08-14
Active citizenship, the bill of rights, taxes, the three branches of government, the first amendment, federal vs state power, immigration, the courts
Mazo 2022-09-07
We the people of the united states 每次一读到这句话就会起鸡皮疙瘩 但是画风有点政治正确的**体了… 四个星星全都给的是这个标题
mizukawaaaaaaa 2021-07-12