The documentary story of Madonna's struggling days in New York with her first band "Breakfast Club," leading up to her first solo record deal.
Jessica Lott 2022-11-23
It’s **, not a ***** documentary, but a good story, ***** march on, nobody gets in your way! (WD TVB
hayden 2021-09-16
林家铺子 2021-06-14
caven 2021-06-11
勾起了我年輕時的回憶, 飾演瑪丹娜的演員不論外表及舉止動作算很到位了...
蔡可夫斯卡娅 2023-04-29
了解了更多麦姐成名前的艰苦奋斗史。有才+勤奋+ambition+MTV 才造就了一代**。 也可以看出她为啥比Michael Jackson,Whitney Houston,Mariah Carey这些走得远
焦糖布丁 2024-04-06
The documentary story of Madonna's struggling days in New York with her first band "Breakfast Club," leading up to her
S04Kumpel 2024-12-03
Madonna and the Breakfast Club @2021-08-11 01:42:27
豆友2549479 2021-08-11
Madonna and the Breakfast Club
original_beast 2019-06-21
so it's not the real madonna. I'd rather watch venus dlite