好喜欢啊!!虽然**TARDIS套娃啊熵啊脑中数字构建结构啊之类的概念浅尝辄止,刀马**也不太聪明,但是这个博士就,太老四了。看到The Watcher后全程知晓命运的不在意,说“I've never chosen ** own company”时显得几乎不近人情,默默地走马灯,“It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for.” 但为什么我还是会哭啊
Ziggy 🇵🇸 2021-01-31
Tardis materializes inside Tardis which materializes inside another Tardis...this could have gone even better direction (but the recursion theme is picked up next story) but still the first couple episodes are intriguing enough. The silly repeated incidental music always gives a soothing feel (that extends into next story). It's just the ****** plot line is never as interesting and again conclusion is fairly rushed.
黑桃生 2022-05-11
好喜欢啊!!虽然**TARDIS套娃啊熵啊脑中数字构建结构啊之类的概念浅尝辄止,刀马**也不太聪明,但是这个博士就,太老四了。看到The Watcher后全程知晓命运的不在意,说“I've never chosen ** own company”时显得几乎不近人情,默默地走马灯,“It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for.” 但为什么我还是会哭啊
Ziggy 🇵🇸 2021-01-31
Tardis materializes inside Tardis which materializes inside another Tardis...this could have gone even better direction (but the recursion theme is picked up next story) but still the first couple episodes are intriguing enough. The silly repeated incidental music always gives a soothing feel (that extends into next story). It's just the ****** plot line is never as interesting and again conclusion is fairly rushed.
r dawg 2021-05-15
四任重生回忆一路上companions 加分!
Sylvieww 2016-06-11
ALMAROS 2020-03-16
4爷爷的告别本该值得更好的吧... 流水帐式的剧情,简单概括就是4th拔掉电线拯救世界? TARDIS套TARDIS的悖论好像没有很好的说法,到***河底企图冲走******的设定有些荒唐,Logopolis人通过数字*纵宇宙不能自圆其说,而且刀****基础显得很愚蠢?
杯具的诞生 2012-09-26
SundanceKid🌈 2015-12-06
You hate farewells, don't we all