《给那些不会溺水的人》又名Those Who Do Not Drown、溺れぬ者たちへ。
In an empty hospital in Kolkata, India, a man faces protocols of blood, a subtly discriminatory office, and a vacant operating theater. His mind is on a loop of the last months of his wife’s life, when a quiet argument developed. When is the end of pharma-medical care, whose life is it anyway? They were an estranged couple, thrown back into intimacy by an unknown illness. Even ...
柳难免 2024-03-29
学校cinema请了导演来。我看blurb就没看懂在说啥看了片子还是不知道在说啥可能就是一种情绪**化的意识流吧…我感觉没有看过比这还慢速且无剧情的电影了…睡着了…在最后给亡妻梳头之前醒了获得了一些温情体验。说是关于melancholia和loss,但我觉得未免太navel gazing了。人类学搞弗洛伊德来搞电影真是不行啊啧啧