Stan Neumann's fascination for W. G. Sebald's novel "Austerlitz" is the departure point and driving force behind this essayistic documentary. While the director traces the life of the eponymous fictional protagonist, he also cautiously draws closer to himself and his own past. On the hunt for their hidden Jewish heritage, Austerlitz's motives and Neumann's emotional responses c...
故乡的晨曦 2023-06-12
“你买了一本书。你真的不知道为什么。它就在身边,然后有一天你几乎心不在焉地打开它。你就在那里,面对着你自己内心深处的秘密。”斯坦·诺伊曼根据***·塞瓦尔德的获奖小说《奥斯特利茨》改编的电影就这样开始了。安特卫普火车站拱形而雄伟的空间是我们旅**正开始的地方,演员Denis Lavant(Holy Motors饰)直接对着镜头讲话,思考火车站的好奇本质。这个虚张声势的开场是令人震惊、迷人的,就像这本书的无名叙述者一样,当拉万特穿过欧洲的伟大建筑、褪色和关闭的酒店以及窗户破碎的大柱廊时,你会屈*于诉讼程序,与他一起漫步。4.2