电影集合为您提供The Sonic Ranch,在线点播,迅雷下载。
In the Spring of 2014, three friends took 11 days out of their very separate lives to head down to the Sonic Ranch, a recording studio nestled along the dusty American side of the Rio Grande outside El Paso, Texas. The now Grammy-nominated, platinum-selling Midland was not so much a band as an experiment, fueled by an assortment of spirits (mostly tequila) and the possibilities...
翡冷翠的晚祷⚜ 2021-04-02
看了滚石的评价,这段影像十分粗糙,却一定程度上展现了这三个人是如何地不同,Mark的沉稳和真诚,Cameron的热情和豪爽,Jess的细腻和敏感,就像一杯混合而成的Tequila,越品越有味道。savingcountrymusic对专辑和纪录片都做出了更加中肯的评价,二者完全没经打磨就释出,仿佛只是众多艺术家让自己的媒体热度平稳渡过疫情期的又一个无奈之举,but hell,这专就是给devout fans准备的,事实也正是如此,在一次次的欣赏之后,我发现对专辑的喜爱远超发售日时的失望,Patience pays off. Rock on Midlanderos.