To fulfill the last will of his mother, the young JAKOB ADLER needs to meet his biological father, who is inmate of a forensic psychiatric hospital for murdering his own brother for over 25 years. Jakob wants to talk to the doctor in charge DR WEISS before and unfolds the true scale of the tragedy that happened long time ago.
喻鸣 2016-10-19
全片围绕一个男人去看望素未谋面的父亲,犹豫是否要遵从母亲**向父亲吐露身世秘密展开。 虽然很早就看穿了叙事诡计,虽然是单一场景的室内对话,但抽烟和烟雾让沉闷的场景有了生气,**变化让时间自然流逝,时和空都得到极**富。