Drawing on over seventy-five encounters with New Yorkers of different ages, races, genders, and sexual interests, The Browsers is a portrait of The Big Apple as seen through the eyes of lovers, searching the web for their special someone.
十号风球女士 2021-01-31
🍄 2022-04-21
im looking for somebody i can connect with. (i took a strange, soothing pleasure in finding his mad spot, like what can riled him up. it was like a challenge for me, the dryness in his throat, the pain on his forehead when frowned, his scapl and his eyes filled w instant emotions, deep eyes filled w involuntary tears all of a sudden, in a dream....
VincentP 2021-01-31
【Sundance21】第一个雷,我期待的是能看到New Yorker们对dating和relationship的独到见解和体会,但是大部分时间只是絮絮叨叨的很dry的吐槽。
西部点心美食 2021-02-26
星星 2021-01-31
分子兽。 2021-02-12
在导演的分享下,有幸看完了这部Sundance纪录片,使用dating apps的纽约人。影片里毫不介意出现**剧组人员的痕迹,**对谈从摄影录音到导演,让人怀疑是不是凑长篇时长。
stjäla hund 2023-04-09