Fritz has returned home to sell his late father's house who was a local wrestling ****. Once home he becomes embroiled with a local gang and a corrupt cop. The gang steel his father's championship belt and he must recover it before his uncle will agree to sell his house.
杨** 2020-12-08
评分6.0 ,小成本故事片, 故事不复杂:男主做生意差点钱,回老家想把已故爸爸留下的老宅卖了。由于当年爸爸是摔跤冠军,很有话语权,街区的**比较规矩。现在已经变了天,**横行,经常**来为难男主和男主叔叔,把爸爸的冠军金腰带都偷走了。男主重振当年爸爸的荣耀,经过一番训练把街区的****收拾了一顿。