LEI and WONG clandestinely arrive to Ecuador, on their way to the port **** of Guayaquil. From here LEI plans to continue her journey to New York, but CHANG, a bipolar mobster will decide her fate. WONG unwillingly gets entangled in the web of corruption that operates the encroachment of Chinese immigrants. His only objective is to bring his twelve-year-old son from China. CHAN...
Doris 2020-05-24
胤祥 2021-07-14
#74th Marché du Film Online# 市场放映。**首映是2020釜山Flash Forward单元,另2020厄瓜多尔申奥片。这个片居然是北影节创投获奖项目(2014,但除了导演访谈居然找不到任何资料……互联网档案也不靠谱啊)。导演在中国呆过6年。主要演员都是非职业演员(女主是孔院志愿者,其他很多厄瓜多尔华人),男配厄瓜多尔小哥实在很有戏。剧作有些避重就轻(当然也有些**编的),不过已经还算不错了(结尾机场段落做得最到位),按华语片要求至少也是个FIRST入围水准嘛。