The ******* attempts to push the boundaries of cinema by juxtaposing it with ideas from philosophy, visual art, chess, mathematics, geometry, linguistics and psychology.
如 2021-02-04
scherzo 2021-02-02
MUBI based on an essay by Steven B Gerrard/ 妻子Ayswarya S Dutta負責旁白和動畫/ 音樂Chris Zabriskie
667DJP 2021-01-03
何倩彤 2020-12-26
那時讀《**訪談錄》,對象棋的部份比藝術的還要深印象。這短片是根據Gerrard, Steven B.,的文章拍成,引了Eugene A. Znosko-Borovsky在《How Not to Play Chess》中的一段,想記下來:「The ***** privilege of our **** is that there is nothing hidden; everyone can see all that is on the chessboard, and, what is ****, no piece can remain unnoticed. It is necessary only to be able to see.」雖然我個人偏愛撲克的共謀、隱秘與親密,但遊戲人生,都是至死方休。
Pincent 2021-02-02
72/100 @MUBI "We want to understand something that is already in plain view." good visual essay but impossible to understand many of the philosophy
迷之女主角X 2021-01-23
个人觉得有趣的地方:两种regicide 1..Ke4和俄狄浦斯;collage style;duck-rabbit