《发现:伯特·兰卡斯特》又名Burt Lancaster - Discovering。
This documentary goes beyond Burt's mostly larger-than-life movie characters and focuses **** on the real him - the man, not the role-player. Although his glorious career will be ruminated through a well-made montage of classic film clips, his off-screen life will likewise be scrutinized through the voices of respectable movie scribes and other resource persons who knew a *****...
Virgil 2022-03-19
BV1zr4y1c7rD | 看来我永远错失了看维斯康蒂《豹》的机会。如果不认识兰卡斯特,说不定还能接受配音甚至浑然不觉。现在我这么熟悉他说话的声线和方式,一听那个角色就剧烈出戏,看不下去|根本不热衷演戏结果成了演员又一例。吐槽Kirk更想当大明星而他不care那里有笑到|又一位fellow atheist for life哈哈
一只罐 2021-03-07
还不***Daring to Reach少了很多彩虹屁和幕后故事,多了系统的学术分析。
c.cornix🍀 2022-04-22
關於《豹》的選角: 人給維斯康蒂推薦了Lancaster 維斯康蒂說“怎能讓美國牛仔演貴族!” 他想請Olivier 笑死了刻板印象*2