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《Bruchim Habayim ve... Mishtatfim Betzaarchem》又名Welcome and... Our Condolences、Добро пожаловать, или Примите наши соболезнования。
The year is 1991. The beginning of the massive Jewish immigration wave from the USSR to Israel. 12 years old Misha is documenting his family's journey on a home-video camera. The already traumatic immigration experience is enhanced up to absurd proportions, when the family's old aunt dies on the plane just before they reach the land of their ancestors. Now, the family will have...
水包酱 2023-11-15
没想到会这么好笑 而且很多细节里还完美融合了当时的历史背景和社会现象(比如俄裔***到了以色列之后 有很多会把自己的名字改得很"入乡随俗")