《秋季的最后一天》又名动物森林运动会(台)、The Last Day of Autumn。
秋天的树叶很漂亮——**、**和棕色——但是冬天已经来临了。森林动物正在为一个不寻常的种族做最后的准备。寒风是由冰的叮当声宣布的,兔子、狐狸、海狸、熊和公司的启动信号响起。它们骑在精心绘制的**车辆上,相互帮助,向终点线和舒适的冬季庇护所驶去。 The autumn leaves are splendid – yellow, red and brown – but winter’s on its way. The forest animals are ****** last preparations for an unusual race. Wintriness is announced by the chinking of ice and the start signal sounds for hare, fox, beaver, bear and...
小や 2020-02-03