电影集合为您提供Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series - Episode II,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Continue your journey into the heart of Darth Vader's dark fortress in Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series - Episode II. With the fearsome Sith Lord as your guide, you'll perfect your lightsaber skills against terrifying new enemies, and ****** the Force as you discover the truth of an ancient mystery beneath the fiery surface of Mustafar. Starring Maya Rudolph, Vader Immorta...
Ὀρφεύς 2022-10-06
momo 2020-10-15
JohnWick 2022-03-09
往者不谏 2021-06-11
第二部更短更无聊的感觉.. 但是被Vader Force choke了!真的好希望他能多出现一点... 玩这个游戏,站在Vader身边时,我才发现我好喜欢这个角色...