Three million years ago, a radiation meijubar**** leak killed the crew of the mining ship, Red Dwarf. The only survivor was Dave Lister, the chicken soup machine repairman. He spends his time on the ship with a holographic projection of Arnold Rimmer (his dead bunkmate), Cat (a life-form that evolved from Dave's cat), Holly (the ship's senile computer), and Kryten (a ******* me...
铲球仙人 2022-11-19
Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast
瓶中魔鬼v3 2023-06-21
要不要这么猛 Camille上来就足够让人心碎了TT__真的好看🚬 不管是蜡人世界的战争狂还是平行世界的英雄式Ace Rimmer真的是灵魂人物了__还有!!!我要收回Cat没特点是陪衬的话!!!被投入异世界**哀嚎那里真的有够可爱233
西比尔 2021-04-26
看了好几季 一直好奇smeg是什么意思 smeg是块砖 哪里需要哪里搬 作用类似于**** d**m 我也是一度觉得难不成是smegma的变形 后来在欧路看到了一篇文章解答了 就是作者自创的一句
橙子换马甲 2016-06-26