When Sonia has a nervous breakdown and forgets the last 6 months of her life, her husband, Abhishek, is forced to dig into her life to find out what had caused the trauma. Abhishek soon finds out that Sonia had a secret life of intense sexuality and twisted fantasies that he didn't know about, a life that betrayed him and yet he was the only one who could save her.
野生的k 2024-03-03
拖着看完了,没资源没字幕,在*******上看的。也就那样,怀疑印度是不是也像国内一样有**制度,全是不疼不痒的暗示,一到关键情节不是做梦就是切镜头,难怪不火。 另外严重怀疑导演在拖时长,11集的时长,还不如看2分钟的混剪。