Rome is a **** on edge, and the bad weather isn’t helping to calm it down. Cristina’s death has plunged her husband and son into mourning. Meanwhile, Barbara, the household’s youngest member, only wishes they could be as close as they were before. As the rain falls, a mysterious vapor emerges from the pipes: whoever inhales it will have to deal with their deepest fears.
张翔森 2023-05-06
凯奇是个坏中尉 2022-11-22
今天是被困在地下室的第二百九十五天。雨还在下,冲刷着小窗上的泥沙。刚过去了一个卖气球的老头,我没有呼救,因为没人能听见我的呼喊。突然,墙上断了线的电话响了,我胆战心惊的接起电话,颤抖的问了一句“哪位”?电话那头 “这里是xx人寿保险,为感恩回馈优质客户,我们近期新推出了一款人身安全险,这边替免费您办理一下”……
字母君 2023-07-15
《烂故事》+《杀出狂人镇》,但elevated horror。明明导演自己上一部还在吐槽elevated horror呢……