《野性中美洲》又名野性中美洲(港)、Nigel Marven's Wild Central America。
Wildlife adventurer Nigel Marven travels along the narrow isthmus between the North and South America finding extraordinary wildlife and heart-warming stories every step of the way. In the style of the previous and successful Wild Philippines series; Nigel reveals the breath-taking landscapes of the region, discovers many of the extraordinary animals that live in the Central Am...
_ 2020-06-02
中美洲雨林裡的動物amazing!沒機會沒膽量去的中美洲雨林之旅好讚!阿伯真的好crazy喔突然就突進 眼神還很犀利一條小蛇細細暗色照樣能在叢林裡捕捉到 還從碼頭棧道上跳下去 還是跟剛看到鱷魚連著的水域 雖然跳下去的地方深度只及腰還有很多植物理論上那條鱷不會出現.............