This film is a long crescendo built with elements symbolic of our time and makes a spectacular diving in the world of the unconscious. Bold sonorities ****** a fantastic climate and pull the viewer to reality. We are in 1968, the year of major challenges to the mass. A man and a woman living in an apartment various fantasies. In a special "cave" of young people had a strange jo...
枯藤和老虎2013-01-07 22:21:50:户外探险恐怖片……只是后面恐怖的部分有点搞笑。 跟攀岩有那么一点点关系~和登山什么的无关。 挺有趣的类型片尝试~~大概可以算是cult电影。 里面女主角还挺***~~~ 这是拍给电视台的吧,只有84分钟。......
天天2009-12-07 22:47:14:五个人已经是地狱倒霉鬼了,其中两个又是猪一样的队友,所以尽管碰到猪一样的对手,照样完蛋! 这本电影只值得看前三十分钟!......
戈尔贡佐拉 2021-11-06
曹可钦 2021-11-08
Feel like being mentally abused and fucked