Rob is a good man, he never promised anything or lied to either his ex or local prostitute,Lou (Davis) - he may want to keep her at arms length but he wants the best for her. He has however a detachment to life that some would find admirable, some would find strange. He and his wife live in an "open" relationship, they are quite ****** and seem to have a strong relationship, bu...
远山 2024-05-31
朱迪·戴维斯演这种indulge in drugs的失足浪**真是一绝,浑身上下自带瘾君子气质。不愧是宝琳·凯尔口中的“演绎情绪的天才”,凝练而洒脱的表演张力。***影后 +澳奥影后轻松拿下。
边际 2024-12-25
Judy Davis真是个神奇的演员,表演风格如此多变,既可以清纯动***能**放纵。就是这电影拍了个啥啊,松散又枯燥