Acclaimed director Charlie Minn brings attention to the victims of the infamous massacre that occurred on February 14th, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. A normal day at school became a true nightmare for Parkland, Florida citizens as they experienced something they had never thought would happen in their small suburb. In just six minutes, 17 students and staff m.d...
Thurein Htet 2024-01-15
[Deleted] 2019-02-17
逢**节之际纪念2018 Parkland枪击**一周年的上映;前半段有些骇人的回顾了**经过,后半段很努力地介绍每一位受害者;如导演片后QA时阐述,不是站在犯罪者犯罪动机角度,而是希望通过这部电影为曾经的受害者发声,为他们而纪念;