A well-dressed but inebriated man decides to attend a variety show at the Palace Theatre. During the show, both he and the performers are continually harassed by a practical joke-****** boy who is sitting in a box seat near the stage. Soon the inebriated man himself begins to cause disruptions, with his overly emphatic opinions of the various acts.
平坦 2020-12-10
stknight 2020-04-06
Lupino Lane一人分饰多角,原来是翻拍基顿的The Play House
未注销 2018-11-01
翻拍Keaton的Play House一人多角,但大多都是分镜头剪辑在一起
可绿丝毛 2020-02-21
Back to Life 2019-05-02
原来是翻拍了the play house的gag 我一直以为是Keaton 还寻思怎么和他长的不一样哈哈哈哈 看完又看了一眼开头才明白 太窒息了哈哈哈
A 2019-05-01
一人分饰多角 并没有基顿其它影片那样强的表现力
嗨圖拉 2020-03-07
基顿的短篇合集里有这一部 然后找不到巴斯特基顿本人 原来是翻拍 果然翻拍都不咋地 从古至今