Ryan Seacrest hosts the second Disney Family Singalong featuring celebrities and their families as they take on their favorite Disney tunes from their homes. Special guests include John Legend, Christina Aguilera, Shakira, and Katy Perry.
甜水园子温 2020-07-10
开头看到塞斯罗根吓了一跳,最后看到郎朗又吓了一跳,所以Volume 3到底什么时候出啊!
珈琲貓少女 2020-06-21
🇺🇸白天看完「***百老匯25週年音樂會/Disney on Broadway 25th Anniversary Concert」(👉好看) 意外刷到的這個居家音樂會,第二期比第一期好看,不知道有沒有第三期… 🎵「Zero to ****」(大力士) 🎵「Baby Mine」(水果姐hhhhhhhhh) 🎵「Almost There」(青蛙公主) 🎵「Step In Time」(歡樂滿人間) 📍6/21/20
**** all 9.7 2021-04-18