In 1941 the Bucharest Pogrom breaks out and as 10-year-old Eliahu watches the last picture show, he sees his father, the cinema owner, murdered by his next-door neighbor, the leader of the fascist militia. After surviving the massacre of Romania's Jews, Eliahu seeks justice; yet postwar Romania does not join him in this pursuit, nor does the Israel to which he emigrates. Learni...
落日数羊 2021-04-24
#Miami JFF# 质感也太好了。人生里在布加勒斯特看的最后一场电影竟是自己父亲的死亡。这个惊人毅力和决心的**故事,还有真实背景,实在让人佩*。几个黑白片段很有意思,历史与戏剧的混杂,亦梦亦真,不知是从其中抽离还是置身于其中。