A new scene of troubled, lo-fi young rappers has emerged from Trump's America, utilizing the SoundCloud streaming platform to quickly become the most culturally disruptive force in hip hop, shocking the world with their rambunctious antics, prescription drug use, facial tattoos, and rebellious punk energy. We examine the SoundCloud rap scene's biggest stars from within the cult...
[Deleted] 2020-11-19
全民偶像本质流量为王,否则根本无法理解肤浅的个性、说唱、思维水平的愤青小将们怎么配得上“七个指头”的合同,认同坏影响是粉丝只学明星的酷,但依靠**带来灵感是不争的事实(参看莫里斯** Psychedelic Love Story对于***起源的阴谋论)