纪念苏联作曲家肖斯塔科维奇逝世30周年,无对白,音乐+黑白影像,类似苏古诺夫早期的那些短片。 Fate of the Artist is inseparable from the time of his life. Here are the works of the masters, and continue to live after his death. The film is "Epitaph" - tells about the fate of Dmitri Dmitrievich, the fate of the country, using a single language, which is organic in the narration about the composer - the language of music. The...
冯科夫斯基 2021-02-09
String Quartet No. 8 贯穿始终,与纪实影像一同谱写了这部 “自传”。印刷的报纸意味着被SDL点名批评,盘旋的楼梯暗示了深夜行动的契卡,摇摆不定的灯如同头顶挥之不去的恐惧……"to the victims of fascism and the war" 是献给受难者的哀歌,更是字字饮泪的墓志铭。
淼渺 2018-06-04
https://m.***********/watch?v=ZYfIcesSt4g 一些珍贵的历史录像