《不言自明的事》又名一目了然的事、Something Self Explanatory。
Over the course of 15 teaching units, the Marxist vocabulary for commodity and work, wage and labour power, exchange value and use value is thought about via images. The vignettes are captivating in their directness. What they drive at is always unequivocal, as they not only invoke political concepts with precision, but also bring together cinematic modes of thinking that are t...
胤祥 2020-02-29
#70th Berlinale#论坛50周年纪念特展。片名正解[不言自明的事]。最近相当迷恋哈伦·法罗基,为了这部相当稀有的片子特意跑到艺术学院去看。还是相当有趣的,影片很有六七十年代纪录片的社会介入自觉,基本上就是为了动员工人阶级,对他们进行***主义政治经济学教学而拍摄的。影片分为15个问题,前面的几个问题是相当形象的解释说明,比如解释剩余价值、生产力、交换价值等等概念,都是通过浅显易懂的形象化展示来进行的;到最后几个问题,都是稍微复杂一些的,因此也通过有趣的小故事来展示。期待歌德学院赶紧出法罗基的大套装。