《教派》又名The Sect、CEKTA。
Specialists for the withdrawal of people from cults, the deprogrammers, receive an order for the release of the girl Niki - ex-models, stars of commercials from the Primordial sect. Methods of deprogrammers are extremely tough - on the verge of psychological and even physical violence. To care for Nika, the deprogrammers hire a nurse Lily. But things are not going according to ...
FROSTFLY 2024-09-18
******,俄剧居然也这么好看,太精彩了,尤其是第7集两个**组织互相掐起来那场面,看得我热血沸腾,一大群俄毛子在山林里乱窜,天啊,好诡异的场面!只可惜太短了 感谢英国第4*道发行**WALTER的官方英文字幕,WALTER应该多买点这种电视剧发行,让**观众涉猎 WALTER出品,必属精品 剧情/犯罪/悬疑,75分中等水平作品,18岁以下未成年人不宜观看,18岁以下未成年人如需观看须满15岁最低观看年龄门槛,15岁以下青少年儿童禁止观看,满15岁、18岁以下未成年人须在成年家长陪同下观看(分级警告)!