THE VIEWING BOOTH explores a ***** ostensibly off-limits to cinema — the internal experience of the viewer. In a lab-like *****, Maia Levy, a young American woman, watches videos portraying life in the West Bank **** of Hebron, while verbalizing her thoughts and feelings in real time. An enthusiastic supporter of Israel, the images in the videos, disseminated for the most part ...
doneaway 2021-10-23
“What’s bothering me about it is the fact that it’s being filmed.” 对于documentary image简洁直接的讨论
0533 2024-07-18
[Deleted] 2020-11-27
即使“seeing is believing”,但根深蒂固的偏见意识是不会改变,观众旁观对受访视*、受访者受访的视*已有自我的判断,对电影会评论为“对巴勒斯坦人的不公、偏见的同情”“反思个人偏见对认识事物的影响”,但对现实仍会默认的只有“以色列是一个国家”、“以色列人支配约旦河西岸”
阿塔尼 2020-02-29
#forum50 问答环节反响强烈,但seems like a depressing film