"Psychedelic history" is what Noel Lawrence calls this ***-drenched version of the Watergate scandal. Think: a satanic Richard Nixon talking like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. In 1972, the break-in at the Democratic headquarters in Washington wasn't a ****** Republican plot. This motley mix of fiction and altered archive images has a lead role for celebrity Sammy Davis Jr, who i...
胤祥 2020-01-24
#49th IFFR# DeepFocus-Regained+世界首映。这片应该去Tiger或者Bright Future的竞赛呀!策展人咋想的!特别好笑的“阴谋论”平行历史(应该标喜剧类型,“不太一本正经的胡说八道”),传主Sammy Davis Jr.是个黑人犹太**(黑***是不是更好一点哈哈哈),跟此片相关的史实可以参看纪录短片[ https://***.***********/watch?v=s4ROtjTkb8A ]。用archive footage结合演员扮演,某种意义上也混合了(伪)纪录片手法,倒是符合Regained的一贯风格,除了比较闹,重建手法有些重复容易审美疲劳之外也没什么特别大毛病。