A special animated adaptation of Sir Michael Morpurgo’s children’s book Mimi And The Mountain ******. Mimi And The Mountain ****** is the story about a village that quakes in feature of the mighty Mountain ******. One winter, a shy little girl called Mimi finds a baby ****** asleep in her family woodshed. Mimi takes the perilous journey through the blizzard and darkness to retu...
2006-03-19加入 2019-12-28
nani❗💛💙 2020-01-15
单看名字,还以为是武侠题材~《绝代双骄》衍生动画~ 现在动画世界里的龙吧,其实都属狗的吧~ 仿佛脱离了狗,就不知道该怎么表现想象世界中的动物了~ 【利益申报,狗奴~总之,希望动画制作者少蹭狗狗的热度,多一点想象力。
寒青 2020-04-28
只要一点善意世界可能完全改变~enemies canbe friends if we can see we share in common/see what we are and pass on to each other
3333 2021-03-12
对白很少,却很触动我。 有些沟通真的不需要语言。
Gloria 2022-05-04