RAISE HELL: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins tells the story of ***** firebrand Molly Ivins, six feet of Texas trouble who took on the Good Old Boy corruption wherever she found it. Her razor sharp wit left both sides of the aisle laughing, and craving ink in her columns. She knew the Bill of Rights was in peril, and said "Polarizing people is a good way to win an election and a...
不起了的迪科碧 2021-01-11
我纪录片老师Janice Engel导演作品,看完以后被Molly Ivins的人格魅力所折*,再次感叹美国政治真的太复杂了
[Deleted] 2019-07-21
死后立传不管初衷目的,政治评论家话题性无非是和当前的政治环境比较(总是拿来和创普比,观众也好累),Molly Ivins成长路上看到更多的是**变迁,她只能看作是其中一位女性的代表,而非弄潮儿