A new cinematic artwork set to Verdi's score by late, beloved filmmaker Jonas Mekas, and co-commissioned by The Shed and Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, will accompany the concert performances of Requiem and will be screened in the Level 4 Gallery. The work is a meditative tribute to Verdi's masterpiece and an homage to the filmmaker himself, who passed away in January at the age of...
《安魂曲》着重探究了人们在遭遇神秘**时的心理波动,因此该片也被誉为另一版本的《驱魔人》 。影片以冷静的语言、阴郁的基调,成功地传递出保守、虔诚的精神力量是如何让人发疯的。《安魂曲》是一曲献给不幸女孩的挽歌。作为一部描写心理的电影,影片整体的气氛压抑而孤寂。
TWY 2019-11-21