A 65-year old man named Cărturan lives a quiet life in a mountain village with his 12-year old grandson whom he has raised alone since the boy was little. Unfortunately, a visit to the doctor brings dire, unexpected news: due to a serious illness that he knew nothing about, he will not live much longer. The old man visits his neighbors and close friends Saveta and her daughter ...
胤祥 2019-10-10
#24th Busan IFF# Flash Foward世界首映。一看就是超低成本的**尼亚**作(跑釜山世界首映,**行公司都没有……)。Teodor Corban驾驭这个角色简直手到擒来(堪比**多·雷本久克了),加上Dana Dogaru和Adrian Titieni这样的戈波男女主阵容,完成得还是相当漂亮的,小朋友的戏也很好。拍得隐忍、克制,DOP是奥列格穆图的情况下竟然还是用了固定机位……这次终于跟历史啊**啊之类的话题木有关系了,蛮好蛮好。