《结和橘子》又名Scent of Oranges。
In love with a girl that smells of oranges while in a complicated relationship with his father, Darek is gentle, strong and devoted to his little sister and their herd of horses. Darek's world is a story about the joy and pain of growing up in the isolated yet beautiful Lusatian Mountains. Here, horses are not expensive specimens qigou.cc of racing stables but beings you should...
*小花 2024-09-28
快乐的大** 2019-12-03
PÖFF看的第二十一部,Just Film单元,青春洋溢的少年成长片,前面几个爱沙尼亚少年看得很开心,本是非常喜欢成长片的我有种错觉这片是给年轻观众看的,观影过程中一直觉得自己看这个片太老了,有代沟的感觉。很好的题材和故事,却总感觉导演处理的有点隔靴搔痒。开场的追逐打闹戏顺带介绍了所有的人物和环境,手法很厉害,轻松明朗的基调也一下建立起来了,略遗憾故事越往后导演越走下坡路。最后惊现雷人**特效一枚。