Enter the world of Dmitri Shostakovich, one of the 20th century's most brilliant and fascinating composers, in this exciting documentary by filmmaker Reiner Moritz. Highlights include extensive interviews with Shostakovich-specialist Valery Gergiev and excerpted performances by the Mariinsky Orchestra, the Borodin Quartet, and the composer himself! In commemoration of the 40th ...
普路同的小狐狸 2020-11-30
借地记一下另一部《Into the cold dawn》。用木偶戏重现历史场景好绝,比请演员来演的观感真实多了,满目无处掩藏的战战兢兢。受访者也请得好。纳博科夫也忒损了点。好多俄系音乐家都很喜欢契诃夫,不知是不是巧合。